How to Order

How to Order – Step by Step
  • Measure the length and width of your quilt top in inches.
  • Cut your backing material 4″ larger than the top on all four sides or 8″ total
  • The batting (if you supply it) should be cut 4″ larger  just like the backing.
  • We need your quilt top, batting, and backing in 3 separate pieces.  Do Not baste or pin them together.
  • Both your top and your backing should be carefully pressed, with seams pressed open or going to one side.  Seam your backing 5/8” and iron seam open.  Press seams toward darker fabric whenever possible, so they will not show thru your quilt top.
  • Top and backing should lie flat.
  • Identify the “top” of your quilt top and the “top” of your quilt backing with a single safety pin if there is a directional pattern to the layout.
  • Quilt top and backing should be clipped of loose threads, both front and back.  Remember, on lighter fabrics, loose threads on the back side of the top may show thru.
  • Check your quilt top for seam breaks, as well as your backing if seamed.
  • The selvedge edge is a lovely straight line.  BUT, it needs to be trimmed off before sewing your backing fabric.  The selvedge edge will shrink differently when washed, which may cause puckering at the seam line.
Helpful Quilting Hints:
  • Iron your seams open. Both your top and your backing should be carefully pressed, with seams pressed open or going to one side.
  • If you press your seams to one side, press seams toward the darker fabric whenever possible, so they will not show thru your quilt top.
  • Check your quilt top, as well as your backing if seamed, for seam breaks.  Seam repairs are $5.00 each
  • We need your quilt top, batting, and backing in 3 separate pieces.
  • The backing should be 4” larger than your quilt top on all four sides or 8” total larger than your top.  The batting (if you supply it) should also be cut the same way.  (No packaged batting, please)
  • If you piece your backing, sew a 5/8” seam and iron it open.
  • Identify the “top” of your quilt top and the “top” of your quilt backing with a single safety pin, especially if there is a directional pattern to the layout.
  • Quilt top and backing should be clipped of loose threads, both front and back.  Remember, on lighter fabrics, loose threads on the back side of the top may show thru.
  • The selvedge edge is a lovely straight line.  BUT, it needs to be trimmed off before sewing your backing fabric.  The selvedge edge will shrink differently when washed, which may cause puckering at the seam line.
  • When adding a boarder to your quilt, don’t just sew on a strip and cut off the extra.  Fabric stretches and this creates uneven and wavy (wonky) boarders.  Measure the edge of your quilt top and cut a border strip that length.  Find the middle of the quilt top and the boarder and start pinning together from the middle out.  This will help produce flat, smooth boarders.
  • Consider washing all your fabrics before quilting.  This keeps your fabrics from shrinking at different rates after you quilt is completed.  This will also help prevent your colors from bleeding.